My academic and professional background
Higher Education:
• 2023: M2 in Psychology: Clinical Psychoanalytic Psychopathology - Adult Clinic and Psychopathologies, Université Paris Cité (Paris, France)
• 2022: M1 in Psychology: Clinical Psychoanalytic Psychopathology - Adult Clinic and Psychopathologies, Université Paris Cité (Paris, France)
• 2017: Bachelor's Degree in Psychology (equivalent to License 3) from the Psychoanalytic Institute of Moscow (private higher education institution, Moscow, Russia)
• 2007: Specialist Degree in Management (equivalent to Master 2) from the Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University, Moscow, Russia)
Additional Diplomas and Certifications:
• 2018: Diploma in Clinical Psychology, Psychoanalytic Institute of Moscow (1 year)
• 2018: Certificate in Existential-Humanistic Therapy (professional level), International Center for Psychological Counseling and Psychotherapy Ekzistentsia, Moscow (2 years)
• 2017: Diploma in Intermodal Expressive Arts Therapy, Moscow City University of Psychology and Education (2 years)
My professional path
My professional practice began in 2017 in Russia, where I worked in private practice at a renowned psychological centre in Moscow until 2021.
After moving to France in 2021, I continued my development in the non-profit sector, completing several internships during my Master's studies, notably with the HOVIA service for supporting adolescents and young adults in Paris, and later with the Bociek mobile psychosocial intervention team of the Oppelia Charonne association.
My skills as a multilingual psychologist were highly appreciated, and since October 2023, I have continued to work as a psychologist with the Bociek team.
In this role, I provide psychological support for migrants in precarious situations, as well as linguistic and cultural mediation.
I started working in private practice online in 2024.
Today, my commitment to the non-profit sector remains strong as well as my personal and professional goal to exercise as independent psychologist altogether.
N° RPPS : 10109929710
The principles and values of my work
For me, psychotherapy is a profound journey towards oneself, towards one's identity and personal meanings.
Every question—whether it concerns relationships, work, or life in general—relates to central themes such as: "How am I living my life right now? Does this suit me? How do I feel here and now?
How do I want to live?"
Each of us has a personal history, an individual legacy of past relationships and choices. What matters is how we manage this in the present and what we are ready to undertake for our future.
It is about acting here and now.
The fundamental principle of my work is to accept and respect the client's reality.
Not to judge, not to teach, not to decide for them, but to accept and accompany.
The psychotherapist is a guide and a partner, the one who illuminates the path and, so to speak, holds the hand. However, it is the client who decides where to go, what to look at, what to take, and what to leave behind.
I do not claim to know better than the clients how they should live their life, but I help them understand themselves and find their own answers.
These answers exist, even if sometimes they seem absent—I firmly believe in this.
Individual therapy in French, English and Russian
Online : by Skype, Telegram or Google Meet
+33 7 49 38 9006
N° RPPS : 10109929710